Essential Tremor Disorder

Patient #5, a 61-year-old woman with VT, is shown speaking and phonating before and one hour after ingesting one gram of Xyrem. A moderate-amplitude vocal tremor is evident before treatment, with modest reduction in the amplitude of tremor (without change in frequency). Patients #6–8, all with...

Relapse Prevention Plan: Techniques to Help You Stay on Track

Dr. Ahmed Zayed has a passion for writing medical and healthcare articles and focuses on providing engaging and trustworthy information to readers. Addiction Resource team has compiled an extensive list of the top drug rehabilitation facilities around the country. Click on the state you are...

Alcoholism and Family Problems: Effects and Treatments

For their loved one, it can feel as if all they are hearing is excuse after excuse, for being late, for disappearing, for the mood swings, for the missing money, and more. Trust is essential to a healthy and functioning relationship, and once it is damaged, it can be challenging to repair. Finally,...

35 Addiction Recovery Quotes to Inspire You Every Day

Every day can be a struggle against inner turmoil and outside pressures, exerting influence on you. Sometimes, it helps to hear motivational quotes about willpower and finding the strength to overcome any challenge, no matter how great. A great way to make new, sober connections is to attend peer...

Signs of Addiction to Watch For

If you’re counting glasses and constantly wishing others would catch up, it might be time to slow down. But when does a glass poured for decompression turn into another poured out of need? From Girl Scout Cookie and wine pairings, to novelty shirts that declare “You had me at Merlot,” to...